Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Spiritual Effect on Actions Essay -- essays research papers

Spirituality is held by all cultures. It is such an important theme; it has been used in many books over the centuries. Both Isebel Allende's House of the spirits and Herman Hesse's Siddhartha show the same spiritual characteristics. In House of the spirits theres Clara, who believes that her powers can be used to help others, and her son, Nicholas, who uses the beliefs of spirituality for commercial venues. In Siddhartha, we see Siddhartha who believes that through traveling, both physically and mentally, he will achieve enlightenment. While, Govinda believes that that hearing strictly the doctrine will be a path to enlightenment. From all of these characters we see that even though the beliefs are different, they are all driven by their beliefs. In both books we have examples of two characters with two different spiritual beliefs and because of that, they act differently. For house of the spirits, we have Clara and her son Nicholas. For Clara, her life while she grew up was very peaceful, "Clara's adolescence past calmly in her parents large house with its three court yards. She was spoiled to death... With the most tender of intentions." (page 78) This led her to be calm, peaceful, and unselfish, which showed later in her life. An example is when she help the gardener, "Clara took out her slate from her apron pocket...Clara told him what to do and won 80 pesos." (Page 78) Even when she has gr...

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